
Иностранные языки

Лингвистический фон деловой корреспонденции (Linguistic Background of Business Correspondence)
Лингвистический фон деловой корреспонденции (Linguistic Background of Business Correspondence) Part IV. Structural and lexical peculiarities of a business letter Bredgate 51, DK 1260, Sender's ad...
10 Topics for exams
10 Topics for exams 1. My position about weddings So, speaking about weddings, I would like to mention first that I don’t understand people, who are getting married at the age of 17-20, it’s hide...
A Traveler's Guide to Moscow
A Traveler's Guide to Moscow |[pic] |[pic] | |There are only two reasons to |Don't be shocked by the prices.| |come here, says one Western |In many places, the whole point | |businessman, to have...
14 сочинений на английском языке
14 сочинений на английском языке 1. My last day off. Yesterday it was Sunday, that’s why my last day off was not long ago and I remember it quite well. I always try to do my best to make my holid...
14 сочинений
14 сочинений 1. My last day off. Yesterday it was Sunday, that’s why my last day off was not long ago and I remember it quite well. I always try to do my best to make my holidays really exciting,...
AIDS IN AFRICA (СПИД в Африке) Iulia Pariniuc Stoneleigh-Burnham School Posted on 05/27/01 AIDS IN AFRICA: AIDS is becoming one of the most important problems of the modern world. According to “A...
A little information about Turkmenistan
A little information about Turkmenistan A Little information about Turkmenistan An Essay By Mekan Melyayev English Composition 121 January 30, 2002 What is the first thought that comes to your mi...
Acoustic emission (Акустическая эмиссия)
Acoustic emission (Акустическая эмиссия) Moscow State Technical University named after Bauman Essay Acoustic Emission Post-graduate Golenkov N.S. English Teacher Kislova V.M. Moscow 2001 The appe...
Abraham Lincoln
Abraham Lincoln Report [pic] ABRAHAM LINCOLN Executed: Examined: Akhmedova Z.G. Makhachkala 2001 Contents 1. Introduction page 3 2. Early Life page 3 3. Ancestry page 4 4. Childhood page 6 5. You...
Aids + СПИД
Aids + СПИД Ladies & Gentleman. I`am very glad to see you all here, and I see many new faces at our assemblage, This makes me happy and grateful to our teacher Elena U., who made this all possibl...
Air contamination caused by human activity
Air contamination caused by human activity AIR CONTAMINATION CAUSED BY HUMAN ACTIVITY 1. AIR CONTAMINATION Insertion into atmosphere or the creation of the chemical agents and substances caused b...
Adjective Университет Российской академии образования Реферат по теоретической грамматике на тему: “Adjective” Факультет иностранных языков 311 группа Москва, 2001 The adjective expresses the cat...
Adjectives Adjectives. Adjectives are the third major class of words in English, after nouns and verbs. Adjectives are words expressing properties of objects (e.g. large, blue, simple, clever, ec...
Alaska’s Wildlife: on the Verge of Extinction (Живая природа Штата Аляска на грани исчезновения)
Alaska’s Wildlife: on the Verge of Extinction (Живая природа Штата Аляска на грани исчезновения) FAR-EASTEN STATE TRANSPORT UNIVERSITY Foreign language department RESEARCH PAPER “Alaska’s Wildlif...
America Under Attack
America Under Attack On Tuesday, hijackers crashed two passenger jets into the World Trade Center in New York City, toppling the 110-story twin towers and killing all aboard the jets and an unkno...
Alcoholism Introduction to Psychology II Ina M. Kamaityt?, Professor 12 December, 2001 Alcoholism Thousands of years ago people began to make alcohol for practical reasons. Wine making began with...
Alaska Ministry of Education of the Ukraine Section: Area stadies Topic: Alaska Done by Lena Kozachenok 201 gr. Kyev 1998 FROM THE LAND CALLED BERINGIA Origins of Alaska’s Native Groups No one kn...
Alabama state
Alabama state After the battle came the night. It was the night of March 27, 1814. The soldiers stretched wearily by the campfires. General Andrew Jackson sat in his tent at Horseshoe Bend and th...
American Federalism in 1990s
American Federalism in 1990s American Federalism in 1990s. While it would be an overstatement to suggest that the average American has a clear concept of meaning of federalism in 1994, there is s...
American Federalism in 1990s
American Federalism in 1990s American Federalism in 1990s. While it would be an overstatement to suggest that the average American has a clear concept of meaning of federalism in 1994, there is s...
American character
American character AMERICAN CHARACTER American society seems to be much more informal than the British and, in some ways, is characterized by less social distinction. Students do not rise when a...
American values
American values Svetlana Levanova, 512 AE Values It is believed that we learn our culture only through knowledge of other cultures. That is why it is necessary to compare and analyze their basic...
Anwendung eines neuranalen Netzwrkes fuer die Erkennung der Zeit-Frequenz Repraesentationen
Anwendung eines neuranalen Netzwrkes fuer die Erkennung der Zeit-Frequenz Repraesentationen V.Barat, D.Slesarev, V.Lunin, H.-U. Seidel Anwendung eines neuronalen Netzwerkes fuer die Erkennung der...
Analysis of Sufism Through Art of Sufi Poetry
Analysis of Sufism Through Art of Sufi Poetry Eleonora Karamiants Muslim Faith and the Nation of Islam Dr. Laughlin Winter, 2001 Sufism Tasawuf, or Sufism is the esoteric school of Islam, founded...
Aral Sea - What Was and What Is
Aral Sea - What Was and What Is Aral Sea—What Was and What Is Since the very beginning of its existence, the human being has been developing. It has never stopped, and it never will. During the l...
American Cinema (Кино и театры Америки)
American Cinema (Кино и театры Америки) Minicap Educational Establishment Secondary School N0 1 with Thorough Learning of Foreign Languages Central District, Chelyabinsk Report ''American Cinema'...
Art in Moscow
Art in Moscow Art in Moscow Speaking about art gallereys of Moscow we must mention the most famous gallereys. The State Tretyakov gallery is one of the best known picture gallereys in Russia. It...
BRITISH THEATRES BRITISH THEATRES Until reccently the history of the english theatre has been build around actors rather then companies. It has been hard to find any London theatre that even had...
BRITISH EDUCATION BRITISH EDUCATION British education emas us to develop fully the abilities of individuals, for their own benefit and of society as a whole. Compulsory schooling takes place betw...
Beatles The Beatles The English ROCK MUSIC group The Beatles gave the 1960s its characteristic musical flavor and had a profound influence on the course of popular music, equaled by few performer...
Bazarov: a lunatic or visionary?
Bazarov: a lunatic or visionary? Vlad Elkis MOL 316-101 Dr. Elizabeth Ginzburg October 5, 2003 Bazarov: a lunatic or a visionary? “And the castle made of sand Melts into the sea, Eventually.” - J...
Boris Godunov (Борис Годунов)
Boris Godunov (Борис Годунов) Boris Godunov Boris Godunov (about 1552 – 1605) was the Russian tsar since 1598; came to power in the time of “oprichnina”; was the tsar Fedor Ivanovich’s wife’s bro...
Banking system
Banking system Министерство образования РФ НГУЭУ Кафедра иностранных языков Реферат на тему: SYSTEM OF BANKING Выполнила: студентка гр.БК-31 Плотникова Надежда Владимировна Проверила: Посаженнико...
British Parlament
British Parlament British Parliament. Great Britain is a constitutional monarchy. This means that it has a monarch as its Head of the State. The monarch reigns with the support of Parliament. The...
Australia Australia is located in the Southern Hemisphere (that is the bottom half of the world). This is why it is sometimes called the Land Down Under. Australia is the smallest, flattest, and...
All English proverbs and sayings
All English proverbs and sayings Here you can see all the proverbs and sayings I found 1. A bad beginning makes a bad ending. Плохое начало ведет к плохому концу. Ср. Плохому началу — плохой коне...
British traditional holidays
British traditional holidays «British traditional holidays» I Great Britain is famous for its old traditions. Some of them existed in ancient times and survived through centuries. Some of them ap...
British education
British education British education British education emas us to develop fully the abilities of individuals, for their own benefit and of society as a whole. Compulsory schooling takes place betw...
Business communication
Business communication Introduction To communicate with others, to convince and to find the compromise, to listen and speak - those are what the life consists of, and the business life especially...
Britney Spears - princess of pop
Britney Spears - princess of pop BRITNEY SPEARS - PRINCESS OF POP. I know not everyone will like me, but this is who I am so if you don't like it, tough! -Britney Spears. Unless you are living un...
Business relation ships in japan
Business relation ships in japan Conflict Negotiations (final paper) Moscow State University (International College) BUSINESS RELATIONSHIPS IN JAPAN Business relationships in Japan are characteri...
Business English, учебник F.W. King, Units 3-6, для специальности Мировая экономика
Business English, учебник F.W. King, Units 3-6, для специальности Мировая экономика UNIT 3 [6] An enquiry from an import/export agent on behalf of a Client A. B. White & CO. Ltd. 567 Queen Street...
British painting in the 17-18th centuries (Британская живопись 17-18 вв.)
British painting in the 17-18th centuries (Британская живопись 17-18 вв.) 1) Some Famous Illuminated Manuscripts. It is usual to regard English painting as beginning with the Tudor period and for...
Canada John Cabot, an Italian sea captain in the pay of the British, discovered Canada in 1497, five years after Columbus discovered America. He planted a huge cross on the shore and sailed home,...
California Los-Angeles. Places of interest
California Los-Angeles. Places of interest ЮЖНО-САХАЛИНСКИЙ ЛИЦЕЙ ЭКОНОМИКИ И ПРАВА Экзаменационная Работа по английскому языку За курс средней (полной) школы CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES PLACES OF INT...
Career in hotel industry
Career in hotel industry Министерство образования Российской Федерации Южный институт менеджмента Кафедра иностранных языков Реферат На тему: How to make career in hotel industry. МГТБ Выполнила...
Category of number of the noun
Category of number of the noun 2. Category of Number of the Noun. Regular – one. Plural – more than one. Regular Plurals: 1. Nouns ending in vowels the regular plural – different individuals, spe...
Choosing a career (на английском языке)
Choosing a career (на английском языке) Ponomarev Andrey, 10 A. Choosing a career. When you leave school you understand that the time to choose your future profession has come. It's not an easy t...
Choosing a career
Choosing a career Everyone needs at least one profession in his life. So when you begin spending sleepless nights thinking about a job and money, when you think longingly of the plans for the fut...
Christopher Columbus
Christopher Columbus Exploration Christopher Columbus 300-400 years ago a great deal of the world was undiscoveried. But now there seems little more to explore, the wild north was conquered, the...
Charlemagne. Карл I (Великиий, король франков)
Charlemagne. Карл I (Великиий, король франков) World History I HST 218 – 102 Charlemagne. By: Vlad Exxxx Instructor: Mr. James Krokar DePaul University November 18, 2002 The happiness and prosper...
Castles of England
Castles of England OUTLINE Introduction to castles…………………………………………..3 Castles of England……………………………………………....5 32 Dover……………………………………………………...5 33 Warwick…………………………………………………..6 34 Leeds…………………………...
Christina Aguilera biography
Christina Aguilera biography In the two years from the day that she burst onto the world musical landscape, Christina Aguilera has scored four #1 smash hit singles, watched sales of her chart-top...
China's population
China's population Context: |BASIC INFORMATION |p.2 | |POPULATION GROWTH |p.8 | |POPULATION DISTRIBUTION |p.12 | |INTERNAL MIGRATION |p.14 | |China Sticks to Population Control Policy in New Cent...
Cinematograph CINEMA Cinematograph is one of the wonders of the modern world. We can not imagine our everyday life without TV. Every day, every single evening most of people watching TV. You can...
Classical Wrestling
Classical Wrestling Vladicavcasian Humanitarian Lyceum THE REPORT OF THE PUPIL OF THE 7 FORM Uruimagov Kazbek Vladicavkas 2004. INTRODUCTION This summer Hasan Boroev, my uncle’s disciple, became...
Comprehensive Income
Comprehensive Income Comprehensive Income “Comprehensive Income is the change in equity (net assets) of an entity during a period from transactions and other events and circumstances from non-own...
Computers Computers When Charles Babbage, a professor of Mathematics at Cambridge university, invented the first calculating machine in 1812 he couldn\'t imagine the situation we find ourselves i...
Comparison of the Renaissance and Enlightenment (Сравнение Ренессанса и Просвещения)
Comparison of the Renaissance and Enlightenment (Сравнение Ренессанса и Просвещения) Renaissance means ‘rebirth’ or ‘recovery’, has its origins in Italy and is associated with the rebirth of anti...
Countries and cities
Countries and cities...
Consequence of building the National Missile Defense
Consequence of building the National Missile Defense Consequence of building the National Missile Defense. The Bush administration states that given the growing ballistic missile industry in othe...
Control in management
Control in management The meaning of the control An important feature of the people-organization relationship is management control and power. Control systems exist in all spheres of the operatio...
Creative Activity
Creative Activity The Taganrog Radio Engineering University Report: “I`m a stripper just like mum!” Reporter: student g. M-51 Palanskaya Tamara Teacher: Tarasenko O. S. Taganrog 2002 Когда я была...
Creative Activity
Creative Activity Poe, Edgar Allan (1809-1849), American writer, known as a poet and critic but most famous as the first master of the short story form, especially tales of the mysterious and mac...
Critical Review of Daniel Sprick’s “Release Your Plans”
Critical Review of Daniel Sprick’s “Release Your Plans” Daniel Sprick’s “Release Your Plans” Critical Review I am analyzing Daniel Sprick’s “Release Your Plans” painting, which is located in Denv...
Criminology CRIMINOLOGY Criminology is an advanced, theoretical field of study. It can be defined as the study of crime, the causes of crime (etiology), the meaning of crime in terms of law, and...
Culture of Great Britain
Culture of Great Britain...
Crisler Corporation. Senior thesis
Crisler Corporation. Senior thesis Index 1. History of Chrysler Corporation 2. History of Daimler-Benz Corporation 3. Short Summery of Current Position of DaimlerChrysler 4. Reasons for Merger an...
Cyberterrorism Computer crimes -> cyberterrorism, hacking Defined broadly, the term computer crime could reasonably include a wide variety of criminal offenses, activities, or issues. The potenti...
Daddy Long Legs
Daddy Long Legs 1. Orphan - сирота 2. Asylum – приют 3. to scold - бранить, ругать 4. to do well – делать успехи 5. curious – любопытный 6. to sew – шить, зашывать 7. allowance – содержание, дене...
Dawn of the digital information era
Dawn of the digital information era Dawn of the digital information era. Successive waves of computing technology over the past 50 years have led to huge changes in business and social life. But...
Customs and traditions of Great Britain
Customs and traditions of Great Britain Customs and traditions English customs and traditions, first of all, concerns United Kingdom political system. In Great Britain there is no written constit...
Democracy in Russia
Democracy in Russia Svetlana Levanova, gr. 512 Democracy as I See It Exercised in Russia Essay Life has changed entirely in Russia since the beginning of the nineties, when democracy as the state...
Diana Spencer
Diana Spencer Diana Spencer is not very happy, but she is a very good and one of the famous women. In her childhood Diana liked treatments and dancing. She is dancing very well. Diana’s parents a...
Das Gymnasium №209
Das Gymnasium №209 Das Gymnasium №209 des Sankt-Petersburger Zentralviertels, hat eine ereignisreiche Geschichte. Ende des XVIII Jahrhunderts erцffnet der Kaiser Paul I in Gatschina ein Waisenhau...
Die Parteien im Deutschen Bundestag
Die Parteien im Deutschen Bundestag Die Parteien im Deutschen Bundestag. Politische Parteien entstanden in Europa im 18 und 19 Jahrhundert. In England waren das: Tories und Wighs, in den USA ware...
Die Umweltverschmutzung (Загрязнение окружающей среды)
Die Umweltverschmutzung (Загрязнение окружающей среды) Die Umweltverschmutzung. Die Umweltverschmutzung ist ein der wichtigen und aktuelen Probleme der Menschheit und der Welt. Und wir sind diese...
Die deutschen Erfinder
Die deutschen Erfinder Die deutschen Erfinder Die Menschen haben Tausende von Erfindungen gemacht. Viele von ihnen gehцren den Deutschen, z.B. der Buchdruck(1450), das Fahrrad(1817), das Auto(189...
Cравнительная характеристика современных методик преподавания английского языка
Cравнительная характеристика современных методик преподавания английского языка Содержание Введение 1. Современные методики преподавания английского языка 1. коммуникативная методика 2. проектная...
Does the crime pay or not ?
Does the crime pay or not ? David Guchua Form 11 A January 17, 1999 Does the crime pay or not? In this essay, I would like to discuss the problems of crime and the criminal deeds. This question i...
Deutsche Sprachgeschichte
Deutsche Sprachgeschichte Thema I. Entstehen und Entwicklung der deutschen Sprache. Plan 1. Gegenstand der deutschen Sprachgeschichte. 2. Die deutsche Gegenwartssprache, ihre Existenzformen und d...
Ecological problems and environmental protection
Ecological problems and environmental protection Introduction. My paper is devoted to the theme of the global ecological catastrophes and the environmental protection. I am giving a review of var...
Cultural Values
Cultural Values «Urals State Technical University - UPI» Foreign language department Thesis «Cultural Values» Student: Zaitseva S.V. Group: PП-4 Supervisor: Hramushina Zh.A. Ekaterinburg 2004 Tab...
Die Judenverfolgunfg im Dritten Reich (1941-1942)
Die Judenverfolgunfg im Dritten Reich (1941-1942) I. Einleitung II. Im Allgemeinen. III. Polen unterm Hakenkreuz. IV. Exekutionen im Osten. V. Die “Aussiedlung” (1942). VI. Deportationen im Weste...
Doubts accident result of freak weather
Doubts accident result of freak weather Article: Doubts accident result of freak weather An accident An international task force investigating the effects of the devastating cyanide spill from a...
American Literature books summary
American Literature books summary We are lucky to present you Short Summaries of the Books You Have to Read in the course of the English Literature by Stulov Thursday, April 3 2002 Contents 1. AN...
Easter (Пасха)
Easter (Пасха) Plan. I. The moral lessons given us by Jesus. II. When is an Easter? III. Eastertide. IV. Easter egg and Easter hare. V. Thoughts from Ireland. VI. Easter in England. VII. Easter i...
Ecological problems in big cities, particular in Moscow. How can a contradiction between the technological progress and ecology be solved from my point of view?
Ecological problems in big cities, particular in Moscow. How can a contradiction between the technological progress and ecology be solved from my point of view? Project Ecological problems in big...
Ecology Ecology We live on a very beautiful planet – on the Earth. Our planet has very rich resources: the bright blue of the sky, fresh, crystal-clear mountain lake water, the rich green of the...
Economic and sociological analysis of suicide
Economic and sociological analysis of suicide There are many reasons why people commit suicide. People can decide to commit suicide themselves or be pushed to do it. Most of the factors, in reali...
Economic crisis in Russia (Российский кризис 1998 года)
Economic crisis in Russia (Российский кризис 1998 года) ESSAY. FINAL DRAFT. By Anton Matiukhin. 24, NOVEMBER 1998. Международный Институт Экономики и Финансов, 1 курс, Высшая Школа Экономики. ICE...
Education (Образование в англоязычных странах)
Education in Russia
Education in Russia Education in Russia An educated person is one who knows a lot about many things.I think it is very important that everyone should be educated.Each pupils ought todo his best t...
Education in Russia
Education in Russia Education in Russia. Everyone needs at least a secondary education in his life. So when you begin spending sleepless nights thinking about the study at school, when you think...
Education in Moscow school
Education in Moscow school Generation of 90-th is really lucky because it has new oportunities and great future. «Ferreous curtain» fell down, so now young people can travel all over the world, c...
Eesti pohjarannik (estonii)
Eesti pohjarannik (estonii) EESTI PХHJARANNIK Pхhjarannik- on kiviline paekallas Tallinnast Narvani. Enamasti on aga kaljune sein taandunud metsade rohelusse, lхhestatud jхgede kanjoneist vхi hдд...
Educational system in Russia
Educational system in Russia Educational system in Russia and GB. Russians have always shown a great concern for education. The right to education is stated in the constitution of the Russia Fede...
Educational System in Great Britain, USA and Ukraine
Educational System in Great Britain, USA and Ukraine 1. Educational System in Great Britain Types of Schools All British children must stay at school from the age of 5 until they are 16. Many of...
Education in Britain
Education in Britain MOSCOW STATE TEACHER`S TRAINING UNIVERSITY COURSE PAPER Education in the United Kingdom Written by Isaeva Tatiana group 301 Checked by Makhmuryan K. MOSCOW 2001 PLAN 1. Intro...
English Course Work on Newspaper Reading
English Course Work on Newspaper Reading Contents 1. The article proper ............................................................................ ............... p. 1 2. The translation of the...
Einhard Einhard When one thinks of Carolingian reformation, and the people related to it directly the first person that comes to mind is the king Charles the Great, and along with him one involun...
Education in Great Britain
Education in Great Britain 1.Education. The British education system has much in common with that in Europe, that : . Full-time education is compulsory for all children in the middle teenage year...
English Themes - My favorite Holiday
English Themes - My favorite Holiday My favorite holiday In Russia, the same as in every other country, there are many holidays: interesting and funny, patriotic and dedicated to any historical e...
England under Henry VIII
Drug abuse: Tendencies and ways to overcome it
Drug abuse: Tendencies and ways to overcome it CONTENTS: Number: Pages: 1. Introduction 2-4 Chapter 1. Concept, Manifestations and Tendencies of Drug Abuse 4-14 2. The Concept and Manifestation o...
English Themes - Theatre
English Themes - Theatre I describe my last visit to the theatre My last visit to the theatre was visiting the Bolshoi Theatre. It was wonderfully. I listened …’s opera “Stone Guest”. I’d like to...
English Painting and Art Galleries
English Painting and Art Galleries English painting. Our life seems to be impossible without art. It really occupies an important part in our daily life. Art offers us not only pleasure and amuse...
English Language
English Language Ural Scientific Centre (LYCEUM). Ural Gorky University Scientific work Performed by: Pupil of 11e form of LYCEUM Pokrovsky Pavel Director: Stolyarova Nelli Aleksandrovna Teacher...
English Topics
English Topics Language and Music. Language and music. Both of these terms play a great role in peoples’ life. Let’s give definitions of these terms: Language is human speech, either spoken or wr...
Essay on the article Tobacco and Tolerance: Blowing smoke (о вреде курения)
Essay on the article Tobacco and Tolerance: Blowing smoke (о вреде курения) Международный институт экономики и финансов,1 курс, Высшая Школа Экономики. on the article “Tobacco and Tolerance: Blow...
English Literature
English Literature English Literature in the 20-30’s of the XX c. The century is characterized by great diversity of artistic values & methods. This age had a great impact on the literary process...
Evolution of Christianity
Evolution of Christianity Evolution of Christianity In about 2000 B.C., many displaced tribes were wandering through Middle East throughout the Middle East because of the political upheavals that...
Europe Europe is our common home Plan. 1. Introduction. 2. Passport. a) Aria. b) Recourses. c) Population. d) The largest countries. e) The longest rivers, the largest lakes, the highest mountain...
Faculty of clinical psycology
Faculty of clinical psycology The FACULTY OF CLINICAL PSYHOLOGY. Over the years NAMU has become the centre providing higher medical education to the whole Archangel Region. It has recently establ...
Fedor Dostoevsky (1821-1881)
Fedor Dostoevsky (1821-1881) Fedor Dostoevsky (1821-1881) The Russian writer Dostoevski is regarded as one of the world\'s great novelists. In Russia he was surpassed only by Leo Tolstoi. Fedor M...
Fast food
Fast food Fast Food of America Have you ever enjoyed a hamburger, sitting on a lawn? May be you're against all these hot dogs and cheeseburgers, because it's a junk food. Anyway, it is always int...
Financial intermediation
Financial intermediation 2. Financial intermediation. Financial intermediation is an activity of financial intermediaries. A financial intermediary is an institution that links lenders with borro...
Friedrich Durrenmatt (Фридрих Дюренматт)
Friedrich Durrenmatt (Фридрих Дюренматт) Zu Friedrich Dьrrenmatt... Friedrich Dьrrenmatt, ein Schweizer Schriftsteller, wird am 5.1.1921 in Konolfingen bei Bern geboren. Er schreibt Erzдhlungen,...
Financial Planing
Financial Planing Unit 4 Financial planning (like all planning) begins with the establishment of goals and objectives. Next, planners must assign costs to these goals and objectives. That is, the...
Examination Topics
Examination Topics 1. Some people think that school years are the happiest days in people’s lives. Can you say that you have been happy at school? Why? School is the traditional place for accultu...
Foreign exchange market (Иностранный обменный рынок)
Foreign exchange market (Иностранный обменный рынок) Contents I. Introduction 2 II. The structure of the foreign exchange market 3 1. What is the foreign exchange? 3 2. The participants of the fo...
Food Theme: “Food” Student: Sophy (IX form) Teacher: Smirnova T. V. Kostanai, 2002 P L A N: 1. Food celebrates life. 2. Food nourishes language. 3. Food for different cultures: a. From land and s...
English Tongue Twisters tongue twisters(СКОРОГОВОРКИ)
English Tongue Twisters tongue twisters(СКОРОГОВОРКИ) English Tongue Twisters tongue twister +---------------------------------------------------------+ | 1 | | | | Peter Piper picked a peck of p...
GREAT BRITAIN, Science GREAT BRITAIN The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Nothern Ireland occupies territory of the British Isles which are situated to the north-west of Europe. They consist o...
Genetic Manipulation
Genetic Manipulation Human Genetic Manipulation By Svetlana Levanova, 512 AE Genes are working portions of DNA and the biological units of heredity. Specific genes code for specific traits that a...
Global warming
Global warming Global warming What is the greenhouse effect, and is it affecting our climate? The greenhouse effect is unquestionably real, and is essential for life on Earth. It is the result of...
Going public and the dividend policy of the company
Going public and the dividend policy of the company Plekhanov Russian Economic Academy The theme of the report: “Going public and the dividend policy of the company.” By Timofeeva M. V. The super...
Grammar | |PARTICIPLE I | |1.Attribute |If we have a participle | |(Participle I |used as an attribute to a | |Indefinite |noun (in pre-position), | |Active |Being impressed by the | | |duel scen...
Good Neighbours. Test
Good Neighbours. Test Good Neighbors The neighborhood ‘Watch’ scheme all started a few years ago in the quiet village of Mollington after a number of burglaries in the village and the surrounding...
Grammatical difference between British and American English
Grammatical difference between British and American English Content American English…………………………………………………2 Lexical difference…………………………………………………4 Grammatical difference…………………………………………..6 Bibliogra...
George Washington
George Washington Report [pic] GEORGE WASHINGTON Executed: Gadjimagomedova H. Examined: Akhmedova Z.G. Makhachkala 2001 Contents 1. Introduction 2. Early Career 3. French and Indian War 4. Life a...
Great Britain (Великобритания)
Great Britain (Великобритания) GREAT BRITAIN The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland occupies territory of the British Isles which are situated to the north-west of Europe. They...
HOLIDAY New Year My Last Holidays. Most of all I like New Year holidays. Because New Year is a holiday for everyone. People all over the world welcome the New Year at one moment, that’s why I thi...
Gun control
Gun control A.Pou ESL67W “…The right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” Article [II.] Amendments to the Constitution Gun control America is faced with a growing problem...
Great Britan
Great Britan GREAT BRITAN 1. LOCATION, POPULATION, CLIMATE 1) The official name of Great Britain is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (UK). 2) It occupies the territory of...
Great Britain and Kazakhstan
Great Britain and Kazakhstan Kazak State University of International Relationship and World Languages Great Britain Waltham Forest, Redbridge, Havering, Barking and Dagenham, Newham, Bexley, Brom...
HOW DNA TESTING WORKS (Анализ ДНК как проверяющие работы)
HOW DNA TESTING WORKS (Анализ ДНК как проверяющие работы) HOW “DNA” TESTING WORKS The tools for solving rapes and murders have improved rapidly. Five years ago DNA tests couldn’t link suspects to...
Hepatitis A Prevention
Hepatitis A Prevention |How do you get hepatitis A? | |Who is at risk for hepatitis A? | |How do you know if you have hepatitis A? | |How can you prevent hepatitis A? | |Who should receive hepati...
Hight medical course
Hight medical course Higher Medical Course Medical school education (training) is free and the course of training lasts 6 years. The first 2 years provide a broad programme of general education i...
English topics
English topics The Russian Federation. The Russian Federation is the largest country in the world. It occupies about one-seventh of the earth’s surface. It’s total area is about 17 million square...
Environmental problems
Environmental problems...
Higher Education in the USA
Environmental protection
Environmental protection Introduction. My paper is devoted to the theme of the global ecological catastrophes and the environmental protection. I am giving a review of various global problems suc...
History of basketball
History of basketball...
Envoiromental protection
Envoiromental protection Ministry of education and science of Ukraine The International Slavonic University The report on a theme: THE PROBLEM OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION Has executed: Maslov I.V...
Holiday in Russia
Holiday in Russia HOLIDAYS IN RUSSIA There are many national holidays in Russia, when people all over the country do not ,Twork and have special celebrations. The major holidays are: New Year's D...
History of democracy of the USA
History of democracy of the USA THE HISTORY OF DEMOCRACY OF THE USA WHAT DO AMERICANS MEAN WHEN THEY USE THE WORD “DEMOCRACY”? Abraham Lincoln, one of the best-loved and most respected of America...
Holidays Which is the best way to spend your summer holidays? Well, I guess there exists a great number of different ways of spending summer holidays... But each person has his own preferences, s...
Hobby - Travekkung
Hobby - Travekkung Hobby (Travelling) People on our planet can’t live without travel now. Tourism has become a highly developed business. There are express trains, cars and jet-air liners all of...
Historical Background of the Middle English Period
Historical Background of the Middle English Period “Historical Background of the Middle English Period” Plan. 1. The problem of periodization. The role of the Middle English Period in the history...
History of runic alphabets
History of runic alphabets Report History of runic alphabets Fulfilled by the second year student of Rostov State Pedagogical University Translation Department Neustroev Cyril Checked by Rostov-o...
Hollidays Which is the best way to spend your summer holidays? Well, I guess there exists a great number of different ways of spending summer holidays... But each person has his own preferences,...
History of Great Britain
History of Great Britain History of Britain The kingdom of Great Britain was formed by the Act of Union (1707) between England and Scotland. England (including the principality of Wales, annexed...
How and why we learn English
How and why we learn English...
Idiom Idioms. Idioms involve collocation of a special kind. Consider, for instance, kick the bucket, fly off the handle, spill the beans, red herring. For here we not only have the collocation of...
Ilya Repin
Ilya Repin Ilya Repin (1844-1930) [pic] Repka Nick form 11 “B” Ilya Repin (1844-1930) Ilya Efimovich Repin was born in 1844 in a small Ukrainian town of Tchuguev in the family of a military settl...
How telecommunication change the defenition of work \Telework\
How telecommunication change the defenition of work \Telework\ Tomorrow how modern telecommunication change the definition of work In 1876 Alexander G. Bell created the thing that changed our wor...
Impact of Evolution on Human Thought. Evolution
Impact of Evolution on Human Thought. Evolution Farid Gazizov Impact of Evolution on Human Thought Evolution Evolution by definition of Webster dictionary is a gradual development of simple matte...
Intelligence Intelligence Intelligence is in government operations, evaluated information concerning such things as the strength, activities, and probable courses of action of other nations who a...
Impact of Evolution on Human Thought. Testosterone
Impact of Evolution on Human Thought. Testosterone Farid Gazizov Impact of evolution on human thought Testosterone For a long period of time humans could not answer the question of what makes a m...
How to write exam essay
How to write exam essay HOW TO WRITE AN ESSAY 1. What is an essay? . An organized collection . of YOUR IDEAS . about literary texts . nicely written . and professionally presented . In other word...
Holidays and traditions in english-speaking countries
Holidays and traditions in english-speaking countries Holidays and traditions in English – speaking countries. I. Britain round the calendar. PUBLIC HOLIDAYS AND CELEBRATIONS There are only six p...
Interetische Stabilitat Grundlage der Staatspolitik
Interetische Stabilitat Grundlage der Staatspolitik Карагандинский Экономический Университет Казпотребсоюза Кафедра иностранных языков REFERAT “Interetische Stabilitдt Grundlage der Staatspolitik...
International company Middlesex
International company Middlesex Introduction MiddleSex Holdings is a diversified international company, operating in primary industries (steel, non-ferrous metals and energy), financial service a...
International Raw Materials Market
International Raw Materials Market |St-Petersburg State Technical University | | | |The Department of Economic aluminum is turn can be the raw material from which household utensils are manufactu...
Indirect speech acts in modern English discourse. - Косвенные речевые акты в современном английском дискурсе
Indirect speech acts in modern English discourse. - Косвенные речевые акты в современном английском дискурсе CONTENTS INTRODUCTION…………….……………………………………….3 1. INDIRECT SPEECH ACTS: FORM VERSUS FUNC...
Intercultural business communication
Intercultural business communication THE BASIC FORMS OF COMMUNICATION As David Glass is well aware, effective communicators have many tools at their disposal when they want to get across a messag...
Interpreting Hypothesis: “Simultaneous interpreting is the fastest method in achievement of mutual understanding between the people of different nations” Interpreter in the whole is a very good p...
Internetional Raw Materials Market
Internetional Raw Materials Market |St-Petersburg State Technical University | | | |The Department of Economic aluminum is turn can be the raw material from which household utensils are manufactu...
J.W.Geothe J.W.Geothe. Johann Woifgang von Goethe wurde am 28. Aufgust 1749 in Frankfurt am Main in einer wohlhabenden burgerlichen Familie geboren. Sein Vater war Jurist und kaiserlicher Rat, di...
Internet Introduction. One of the main differences of the Internet from all rest, that is connected to computers, is that for successful work with it(him), generally speaking, it is not necessary...
James Joyce (1882-1941)
James Joyce (1882-1941) Aliona Kolesnik Form 11-C James Joyce (1882-1941) Joyce, James Augustine Aloysius (1882-1941), Irish novelist and poet, whose psychological perceptions and innovative lite...
Jealousy as the cause of internal self-destruction in Kreutzer Sonata by Leo Tolstoy (Ревность как причина внутреннего самоуничтожения в Крейцеровой сонате Льва Толстого)
Jealousy as the cause of internal self-destruction in Kreutzer Sonata by Leo Tolstoy (Ревность как причина внутреннего самоуничтожения в Крейцеровой сонате Льва Толстого) Jealousy as the cause of...
Joulude puhad (estonii)
Joulude puhad (estonii) Mark Maslov 11 Bm Jхulude pьhad. [pic] Jхulud-eestlaste armastatuim pьha. [pic] Jхulud on lхhnavad pьhad. Praeahjus lхhnavad verivorstid vхi sealiha- parematel aegadel mхl...
John Maynard Keynes
John Maynard Keynes...
Knowledge, Innovation and Development
Knowledge, Innovation and Development [pic] The KID Written by: Kuropatkina Serafima Saint-Petersburg 1998 ( Kuropatkina S.N. Moving into the future Knowledge is the thing that makes a difference...
Kasimir Malewitsch
Kasimir Malewitsch Inhaltsverzeichnis .1.Kasimir Malewitsch -Lebensgeschichte -Seine Werke .2.Sein Suprematismus -Definition -Entwicklung .3. Schlusswort .4. Literaturnachweis 1.Kasimir Malewitsc...
Johann Wolfgang Goethe
Johann Wolfgang Goethe Выполнил: Гедерт Андрей Иванович Проверила: Задубенко Анна Степановна 1749 Johann Wolfgang Goethe wird am 28. August in Frankfurt am Main geboren. Seine Eltern sind der Kai...
Kроссворд | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |1i | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |n | | | | | | | | | |...
Introducere Introducere Orice fenomen social ap?rut spontan sau generat de al?i factori necesit? studierea lui de diferite ?tiin?e ap?rute sau existente la moment оn societatea noastr?. Adoptвnd...
Kurzeme Leasure Hotels
Kurzeme Leasure Hotels City of Ventspils[pic] Ventspils is the sixth largest city of Latvia. Latvia is located in the eastern part of Europe by the Baltic Sea. Latvia borders on Estonia to the no...
Law Enforcement and the Youthful Offender
Law Enforcement and the Youthful Offender l Law Enforcement and The Youthful Offender Juvenile delinquency is not a new invention; it is old as time. Socrates is alleged to have observe: ”The chi...
Leeds - city
Leeds - city The City of Leeds [pic] Leeds is a prosperous, commercial, industrial and manufacturing city, and is also the cultural and sporting centre for much of the region. In the City Centre,...
Les droits des femmes d'hier et d'aujourd'hui
Les droits des femmes d'hier et d'aujourd'hui Les droits des femmes d'hier et d'aujourd'hui « Tempora mutantur e nos mutantur in illis » (Les temps changent et nous aussi) Les droits des femmes o...
Leadership in Hospitality Industry
Leadership in Hospitality Industry Introduction In the beginning of this report it would be essential to say what leadership is and its history. According to James MacGregor Burns, “leadership is...
Les energies renouvelables
Les energies renouvelables Le compte rendu sur le thиme: “LES ENERGIES RENOUVELABLES”. [pic] Le compte rendu est йcrit par les йlиves de 10-eme “E” classe Bourdi Alexis et Gorojaninov Michel. Per...
London London London is one of the largest cities in the world. More then 10mln people live in London and its suburbs. London is a city of striking contrasts. Here one can come across the past an...
MOSCOW THEATRES MOSCOW THEATRES For decades Moscow has had a reputation as a city of theatres. The birth plays of the historic \Bolshoy\, \Maly\ and \Moscow Art\ theatres the city has been and st...
Lexicology. Word structure in Modern English
Lexicology. Word structure in Modern English WORD STRUCTURE IN MODERN ENGLISH I. The morphological structure of a word. Morphemes. Types of morphemes. Allomorphs. II. Structural types of words. I...
London LONDON As well as being the capital of England, London is the capital of the United Kingdom. It is one of the greatest, most colourful and interesting cities of the world, and it tops the...
Lexicology Questions 1 Lexicology as a science. Branches of lexicology. 2 Two approaches to language study, varieties of words. 3 Methods of investigation. 4 Contrastive analysis. 5 Statistical a...
MY FUTURE PROFESSION MY FUTURE PROFESSION What I would like to become? This question pasels me greatly. Every job has its elements of difficulties and interest. I think that nearly all the profes...
Lexicology. Different dialects and accents of English
Lexicology. Different dialects and accents of English Preface Every language allows different kinds of variations: geographical or territorial, perhaps the most obvious, stylistic, the difference...
Les fetes en France
Les fetes en France МОСКОВСКИЙ ПЕДАГОГИЧЕСКИЙ ГОСУДАРСТВЕННЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Les fйtes en France Доклад по страноведению Студентки романо-германского отделения Старыгиной Марии, гр. 305 Москва, 2003...
Lexico-sementic chartersticcs of business letter correspondence ([Курсовая])
Lexico-sementic chartersticcs of business letter correspondence ([Курсовая]) Курсовая работа по теме: «LEXICO-SEMENTIC CHARACTERISTICS OF BUSINESS LETTER CORRESPONDENCE» Сдала: студентка гр. РП -...
Manet Edouard's Flautist
Manet Edouard's Flautist Manet Edouard 1832–1883 French painter. Active in Paris, he was one of the foremost French artists of the 19th century. Rebelling against the academic tradition, he devel...
Linguistic Pecularities Of Contracts in English
Linguistic Pecularities Of Contracts in English Contents Introduction 4 Chapter 1. Contracts. General characteristics and types 7 1. English of documents’ writing 7 2. Theoretical problems of the...
Margaret Munnerlyn Mitchell
Margaret Munnerlyn Mitchell MARGARET MUNNERLYN MITCHELL 32 group Blus Alexander Kiev 2003 MARGARET MUNNERLYN MITCHELL was born in November 8, 1900, Atlanta .She died in Aug. 16, 1949. Atlanta in...
Marc Shagall
Marc Shagall Fiddler on the roof of modernism Marc CHAGALL: 1887-1985 “He grabs a church and paints with the church,” wrote a poet of the cubist era, Blaise Cendarrs. “He grabs a cow and paints w...
Mary Stuart. Her life and struggle for crown
Mary Stuart. Her life and struggle for crown Introduction My favorite subject at school is history, so the history of England is very interesting for me too. Elizabeth the First and Mary Stuart a...
Mass Media in England
Mass Media in England The media play a central role in Britain’s daily life, informing and educating, questioning and challenging – and of course – entertaining. In recent years the availability...
Mark Twain
Mark Twain Mark Twain (1835-1910) Pseudonym of Samual langhorn Clemens Early life Susy, Mark Twain’s daughter began the biography of her father when she was fourteen years old. She begins in this...
Mass Media, TV, TV Past and Future
Mass Media, TV, TV Past and Future Mass Media Mass media are one of the most characteristic features of modern civilizations. People are united into one global community with the help of mass med...
Mein studium an der hochschule
Mein studium an der hochschule ВОРОНЕЖСКИЙ ИНСТИТУТ ВЫСОКИХ ТЕХНОЛОГИЙ Факультет заочно-дистанционного обучения КОНТРОЛЬНАЯ РАБОТА № 1 по дисциплине: Немецкий язык на тему: «Mein studium an der h...
Mass media.
Mass media. ` Mass media. Mass media ( that is the press, the radio and television ) play an important role in the life of society. They inform, educate and entertain people. They also influence...
Missile Defense System - Buren for the United States
Missile Defense System - Buren for the United States This is well argued. Its weakest point is the lack of dealing with opposing arguments. Thesis: 15; Summarize opposing arguments: 5 Main point:...
Monopolistic competition and economic efficiency (Монополистическая конкуренция и экономическая)
Monopolistic competition and economic efficiency (Монополистическая конкуренция и экономическая) Matyukhin Anton ICEF, 2nd year, 2nd group. Tutor: Natalya Frolova. ESSAY ON MICROECONOMICS: Monopo...
Lexicology of the English Language
Lexicology of the English Language МOCКОВСКИЙ ПЕДАГОГИЧЕСКИЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Курс лекций и планы семинарских занятий по лексикологии английского языка (для студентов третьего курса) Cocтавитель : Э....
Mozart: Symphony 40 in G Minor, K.550 Моцарт: Симфония №40 в си-минор, К. 550
Mozart: Symphony 40 in G Minor, K.550 Моцарт: Симфония №40 в си-минор, К. 550 Understanding Music MUS 100 Work Report by: Vladislav Exxx Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Symphony No. 40 in G Minor, K. 550...
Motivation: Reward system and the role of compensation
Motivation: Reward system and the role of compensation HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT “Motivation: Reward system and the role of compensation” Student: Anton Skobelev, IBS-855 Teacher: Kartashova L. T...
My Appearance
My Appearance My Appearance. Modern youth does not pay much attention to its own inner world, its character, and behavior. Unfortunately nowadays it becomes better to be good-looking, fashionable...
Multiracial Britain
Multiracial Britain Министерство образования и науки Украины Таврический национальный университет Им. В.И. Вернадского Факультет иностранной филологии Кафедра английской филологии Гура Егор Никол...
My dreams about future
My dreams about future MY DREAMS ABOUT FUTURE It `s high time to think seriously about my future .In my opinion, it s still very hard to say exactly what profession to choose. We may debate a lot...
Music and Ballet
Music and Ballet Белгородское медицинское училище ЮВЖД Реферат по английскому языку. Тема: «Music and ballet». Выполнила студентка 24-й группы Селикова Т. г. Белгород 2001 г. А It was Mikhail Gli...
My favorite painter
My favorite painter My favorite painter One of my favorite artists is Rembrant is the greatest Dutch master, one of the supreme geneuses in the history of art. To this day the art of Rembrant rem...
My favorite writer
My favorite writer Topic: My favorite writer Anton Kondrashow form 8 B Minsk 2003 I'm fond of reading. Usually I borrow books from the library, but I have a lot of them at home, too. I like to re...
Modern English Word-Formation
Modern English Word-Formation C H A P T E R I The ways in which new words are formed, and the factors which govern their acceptance into the language, are generally taken very much for granted by...
My ideal holidays
My ideal holidays My ideal holidays. It was a madly fervent summer. I looked at the clear sky and screwed up my eyes from the baking rays. Then I caught up a straw bonnet until water became cold...
My summer Holidays
My summer Holidays My summer holidays After my hard and busy school year my summer holidays began. I felt happy and began to plan a lot of wonderful things to do during my summer vocation. I was...
My modern image of the United States
New York
New York New York (Part I) New York is the largest city in the world & the biggest seaport. It is the money-center of the U. S. New York is situated in north-east of the USA in the state of N. Y....
Naval Museum
Naval Museum [pic]Portrait. Peter I in armour J. M. Notier type, 1720-th. |The Collection of the Central Naval Museum began with ships' models collection of Tzar Peter the Great and Model Chamber...
NIKOLAEV AND YAKUTIA (Николаев и Якутия)
NIKOLAEV AND YAKUTIA (Николаев и Якутия) Ministry of Education RS (Yakutia) The Yakut state university name M.K. Ammosova Physicotechnical institute Power faculty REFERAT On a theme: NIKOLAEV AND...
Nelson Plan. 1. Introduction................................................................ .............. 2 2. Early years..........................................................................
Museums Introduction Art plays an important role in the life of a man and sometimes it is next to impossible to live without it. It is natural that the first thing that comes to my mind at the me...
Newspapers Newspapers My family and me are fond of reading newspapers. At our flat you can always find very much different magazines and newspapers lying everywhere. There are political, economic...
Nelly Furtado biography
Nelly Furtado biography If I expect this all to be there, like a next record, or whatever, then I'm pretty much screwed. -Nelly Furtado, on the hype surrounding her debut biography Born and raise...
Notre-Dame de Paris
Notre-Dame de Paris Au milieu de la Seine se trouve l'ile de la Citй qui est reliйe aux deux rives par huit ponts. La Citй attire les Franзais et les йtrangers par sa grande cathйdrale gothique N...
Nuclear Radiation
Nuclear Radiation Nuclear Radiation Viktor Chernobay Biology 115 Nuclear energy was discovered in the process of creating the atomic bomb. After scientists conducted more experiments, they found...
New Zealand
New Zealand New Zealand 2 Landscape 2 Demography 4 Politics 4 History 6 Economy 8 Life in General 9 North Island 12 South Island 14 New Zealand Where is New Zealand? New Zealand is a country in S...
Our heroes are remembered
Our heroes are remembered Our heroes are remembered Romanova Marina 11-B Kiev-2005 Almost 60 years ago our Motherland was burning and shaked from the blows of tanks, powerful weapons, etc. 4 year...
Notiunea de putere de stat si putere politica1
Notiunea de putere de stat si putere politica1 INTRODUCERE Categoria de putere, оn mod deosebit cea de putere politic?, a constituit ?i constituie obiectul de cercetare a tuturor disciplinelor te...
On the problem of crystal metallic lattice in the densest packings of chemical elements
On the problem of crystal metallic lattice in the densest packings of chemical elements ON THE PROBLEM OF CRYSTAL METALLIC LATTICE IN THE DENSEST PACKINGS OF CHEMICAL ELEMENTS G.G FILIPENKO www.b...
On the problem of crystal metallic lattice in the densest packings of chemical elements valency.The electrons in zone of conductivity.
On the problem of crystal metallic lattice in the densest packings of chemical elements valency.The electrons in zone of conductivity. Dear Sirs. Thank you for your assistance. ON THE PROBLEM OF...
Paris Paris. Paris est situй au croisement des fleuves et des routes. L'agglomйration parisienne (Paris plus sa banlieue) compte prиs de 9 millions d'habitants Paris est quatre fois capitale. Une...
Painters ENGLISH PAINTING Painting in England in the 17—19th centuries is represented by a number of great artists and during that period it was greatly influenced by foreign painters. The Flemis...
Oxford University
Oxford University A Brief History of the Oxford University Oxford is a unique and historic institution. As the oldest English-speaking university in the world, it lays claim to eight centuries of...
Pennsylvania Romanovska, Mariya, O. American History – AMH2010 Section 1015 Colonization and Development of Pennsylvania Outline: I. Political history of Pennsylvania A. Conflict between propriet...
Personality of Hamlet
Personality of Hamlet Personality of Hamlet Among Shakespeare’s many great works, Hamlet probably is the greatest. The whole play is about power and authority. The king of Denmark was murdered by...
Philosophers Аl-Farаbi, Abu Nasr (872-950) Persian Islamic neoplatonist who employed Aristotelian logic in support of his arguments for the existence of god and used Plato's Republic as the model...
Pink biography
Pink biography I was extreme... from skateboarder to hip-hopper to rave child to lead singer of a rock band -- I did it all, and all at the same time. -Pink biography Christened Alecia Moore, Pin...
Preventing serious deseases
Preventing serious deseases What to do to prevent serious deseases. Well, it may sound improbable, but even in the century of high technologies preventing deseases is still actual. Though in our...

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