
Education in Russia

Education in Russia

Education in Russia

An educated person is one who knows a lot about many things.I think it is

very important that everyone should be educated.Each pupils ought todo his

best to become a useful member of our society. Education is very important

in our life. Going on educational excursions gives us opportunities to

acquire some scientific knowledge.

In the Russian Federation the school education is compulsary. Pupils begin

to go to school at the age of six. When they complete high grades they can

either continue to study at school for more 2 years, or go to a

professional school where they study not only main subjects , but are able

to learn some profession. When school pupils leave school they can try to

continue their educaton in institutes or universities.

There are many school types of schools in Russia: specialized,

politecnical, musical art and others. Nowdays appeared some new types of

schools: gimnasiums and colledges.

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