Темы по английскому для сдачи экзамена
Темы по английскому для сдачи экзамена
|My Family |` |Моя семья |
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|Family is the most precious thing for me, because | |Семья - это самая ценная вещь для меня потому, что |
|this is where I find love & understanding, & | |там я нахожу любовь, понимание и поддержку. |
|support. | |Наша семья вполне большая по нынешним стандартам. |
|Our family is quite large by modern | |Она состоит из четырёх человек - моих родителей, |
|standards. | |моей младшей сестры и меня. |
|It consists of four people - my parents, my | |Мои родители вполне молоды: около 35, и моя сестра |
|younger sister & me. | |на четыре года младше, чем я. |
|My parents are quite young, about 35, & my sister | |Мой папа штурман. |
|is four years younger then me. | |Он тратит много своего времени на работе, поэтому |
|My father is a civil navigator. | |время, когда он дома вечером, особое, для моей |
|He spends most of his time at work, so the time | |сестры и меня. |
|when he is home in the evening is something special| |Моя мама учитель, поэтому у неё есть больше |
|for my sister & me. | |свободного времени, чем у папы. |
|My mother is a teacher, & she has more time to | |Мы делимся нашими проблемами и секретами с ними и |
|spare than my father. | |они часто дают нам хороший совет. |
|We share our problems & secrets with them, & they | |По дому часто есть много работы, но мы хотим |
|often give very good advice. | |помогать с домашними делами, и всё делается быстро и|
|There’ s often a lot to do about the house, but we | |эффективно. |
|are always willing to help with the chores, & | |Больше всего я люблю поздний обед или ранний ужин, |
|everything is done quickly & efficiently. | |когда все мы собираемся вокруг стола и свет кухонной|
|Most of all I like our late dinners or early | |лампы создаёт атмосферу отдыха и тепла. |
|suppers, when we all gather round the table, & the | |Мы разговариваем и шутим, и забавляемся, потому что |
|light of the kitchen lamp creates a relaxed & cosy | |все мы друзья. |
|atmosphere. | |Воскресенья тоже очень хороши. |
|We talk, & joke, & have fun, because we are | |Если погода ясная, то мы идём кататься на лыжах в |
|all friends. | |лесу - зимой или на нашу дачу - летом. |
|Sundays are also very nice. | |Фактически это маленький домик на маленьком участке |
|If the weather is fine, we go skiing in the forest| |земли, но мы очень любим его & любим работать в |
|in winter, or to our ‘dacha’ in summer. | |саду, сажая, капая, собирая землянику и помидоры. |
|In fact, it’s just a small cottage on a small plot | |Но, если бы вы спросили меня о нашем семейном хобби,|
|of land, but we like it a lot, & like to work in | |то я бы назвала - чтение. |
|the garden, planting, digging, gathering | |Чтение - это великолепная комбинация дела и |
|strawberries & tomatoes. | |удовольствия, интеллектуальной работы и развлечения.|
|But, if I were asked about our family hobby, I | | |
|would name reading. | |Это всё. Я счастлива иметь такую любящую и |
|Reading is a perfect combination of business & | |дружелюбную семью и, когда у меня будет своя |
|pleasure, of intellectual work & entertainment. | |собственная семья, я постараюсь создать её на тех же|
|That’s about all. I’m lucky to have such a loving &| |основах. |
|friendly family, & when I have a family of my own, | | |
|I will try to make it work on the same lines. | | |
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|Me & My plans for the future. | | |
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|Finishing school is the beginning of the | | |
|independent life for millions of schools leavers. | | |
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|Many roads are opened before us: vocational & | | |
|technical school, institutes & universities. | | |
|But, it’s not an easy thing to choose a profession | | |
|out of more than 2,000 existing in the world. | | |
|Some pupils follow the advice of their parents or | | |
|friends, others can’t decide even after leaving the| | |
|school. | | |
|As for me I made my choice long ago. | | |
|I specialize in the humanities. | | |
|Social Sciences & English have always been my | | |
|favorites, but my chief interest is law. | | |
|My dream has always been to become a lawyer. | | |
|My choice of this occupation didn’t come as a | | |
|sudden flash. | | |
|As a child, I listened to my aunt & uncle | | |
|discussing professional matters. | | |
|Little by little, I got interested in the subject &| | |
|began thinking of law as my prospective occupation.| | |
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|For me, choosing a career is not only a matter of | | |
|future prestige & wealth. | | |
|In my opinion, a job should be interesting & | | |
|socially important. | | |
|That is the reason why I have chosen the profession| | |
|of a lawyer, which gives plenty of opportunities to| | |
|help people in trouble. | | |
|In addition I should say, whatever profession I | | |
|choose to follow, the greatest pleasure will surely| | |
|come from feeling that I am useful to my country. | | |
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|Country that I want to visit. | | |
|I haven’t been to Great Britain yet, & I’d like to | | |
|visit this country very much, because I like the | | |
|English language, & I’ m curious to learn about | | |
|everyday life of the people who speak this | | |
|beautiful language, & just see the sights. | | |
|Here’s what I know about this country so far. | | |
|The full official name of the country is the United| | |
|Kingdom of Great Britain & Northern Ireland. | | |
|It is a constitutional monarchy - the nominal head | | |
|of state is Queen Elizabeth the Second, but the | | |
|real law-making body is the Parliament, consisting | | |
|of two Chambers, the House of Commons & the House | | |
|of Lords. | | |
|The royal family is preserved as a kind of a | | |
|tourist attraction. | | |
|The country is situated on the British Isles, which| | |
|lie off the north-west of Europe. | | |
|They are separated from the continent by the | | |
|English Channel, better known by its French name - | | |
|La Manche. | | |
|Now, there is a tunnel under the Channel, | | |
|efficiently binding Great Britain & the continent. | | |
|The climate is rather mild, influenced by the Gulf | | |
|Stream, & famous English lawns & gardens are of | | |
|some special shade of green. | | |
|The UK is a very highly developed industrial | | |
|country, with such branches of industry as | | |
|ship-building, manufacturing of textiles, | | |
|machinery, electrical & electronic equipment, & | | |
|many others. | | |
|The population of the UK is about 55 million | | |
|people . | | |
|There are two major political parties in the UK, | | |
|Labour & Conservative. | | |
|The Conservative are in office now. | | |
|I know a lot more about the UK, but this | | |
|information has been taken from books & mass media.| | |
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|I’d like to visit the country & see everything for | | |
|myself. | | |
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|My hobby | | |
|People get a kick out of doing most extraordinary | | |
|things. | | |
|The most widespread hobby is collecting. | | |
|I can’t say that I’m really mad about this or that | | |
|kind of leisure activity. | | |
|I tried collecting stamps, they are so nice & | | |
|informative. | | |
|But gradually my interest just faded away, & I gave| | |
|my collection to my friend for his birthday. | | |
|Then I moved on to collecting recordings of the pop| | |
|groups I liked, but after a while it seemed | | |
|pointless because music radio stations play old & | | |
|new hits all the time. | | |
|I go on doing it, but I wouldn’t call it a hobby. | | |
|I like dancing at some club or disco, but it’s just| | |
|a way of spending time, not a hobby really. | | |
|Best of all I like reading. | | |
|It’s a very quiet occupation, & it does not require| | |
|any particular skill or ability. | | |
|But that’s what gives me the greatest pleasure. | | |
|I enjoy reading all kinds of books - historical | | |
|novels, travelogues, biographies, novels, science | | |
|fiction, detective stories, poetry, etc. | | |
|Someone said that reading to the mind is what | | |
|exercise is to the body. | | |
|Books can’t be replaced by all the mass media in | | |
|the world. | | |
|Reading is a perfect combination of business & | | |
|pleasure, of intellectual work & entertainment. | | |
|So, frankly speaking reading is my hobby. | | |
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|Ekaterinburg | | |
|E is one of most wonderful & interesting cities in | | |
|Russia. | | |
|It’s the capital of Urals, & it is dear to the | | |
|hearts of our citizens. | | |
|It had a rich history, & when you walk along the | | |
|quiet streets of old E | | |
|You can feel the past everywhere. | | |
|The sights of E are countless, so I will mention | | |
|only my favourites ones. | | |
|I like to walk window-shopping down Main Avenue, | | |
|glittering & full of hurrying passers-by. | | |
|I like to sit on a bench near the monument to Popov| | |
|- I like the monument itself, but even more I like | | |
|to watch the people passing by, & people that are | | |
|waiting for their dates. | | |
|E is a cultural centre. | | |
|There are many theatres, picture galleries, film & | | |
|sound recording studios. | | |
|Most interesting cultural events, shows, | | |
|exhibitions take place in E. | | |
|E, of course, is an educational, scientific & | | |
|industrial centre. | | |
|There are a lot of enterprises producing a wide | | |
|range of goods, such as machines mechanizms & so | | |
|on. | | |
|What I like most about E is the pulse of life, of | | |
|change, of movement. | | |
|E is the place where things are happening in all | | |
|spheres of human activity - it’s the heart of | | |
|Urals, full of energy. | | |
|I just love this city. | | |
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|My school. | | |
|There are many different types of school in our | | |
|country now- specialised school, gumnasiums, | | |
|lucees, colleges, private school. | | |
|They offer different curricula, & you can choose | | |
|the subjects you need. | | |
|Our school is secondary school, & it is quite good.| | |
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|All in all, it is quite comfortable for studying. | | |
|The classrooms are well-equipped, there are | | |
|chemistry & physics labs, a language lab with tape | | |
|recorders, headphones & mikes. | | |
|The teachers are very knowledgeable, & the lessons | | |
|were always interesting. | | |
|So we have everything at our disposal, we only have| | |
|to study. | | |
|And we study hard, especially in the senior forms. | | |
|I’m interesting both in natural sciences & the | | |
|humanities, as I believe a person should have a | | |
|broad general education. | | |
|Beside the school building there is a stadium. | | |
|We have football matches & all kinds of | | |
|competitions there. | | |
|Naturally, it isn’t just all work & no fun. | | |
|We have a rock band, & often organise dancing | | |
|parties with flashing lights & everything. | | |
|We have different contests, including the one | | |
|between teams of witty persons. | | |
|Some of the jokes are quite funny. | | |
|There is an amateur drama company, & they often | | |
|stage short sketches by humorist writers. | | |
|So, our school life is rather eventful & active, | | |
|leaving no time for bedroom. | | |
|I like my school & I ‘m going to miss my | | |
|classmates, the easygoing atmosphere, & all the fun| | |
|we have. | | |
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|My Working Day. | | |
|A person’s schedule depends on his or her type of | | |
|activity, & is organised accordingly. | | |
|It is rather flexible, & can be change any time, if| | |
|necessary. | | |
|I will try to give you a snapshot of a typical day | | |
|in my life as a school student. | | |
|The shrill ringing of an alarm-clock wakes me up at| | |
|half past six. | | |
|I do not jump out of bed, but daydream for about 5 | | |
|minutes more. | | |
|Then I do jump out, & keep jumping, pushing up, | | |
|sitting up, & generally warming up for about 20 | | |
|minutes. | | |
|Then a quick shower, & a very light breakfast - I | | |
|just can’t make myself eat much in the morning. | | |
|So, it’s a soft-boiled egg, a toast, & a cup of tea| | |
|or coffee. | | |
|Then off to school. | | |
|It’s the usual routine of classes & breaks, a | | |
|longer break at 11 a. m. for lunch, & school is | | |
|over at 1 or 2 p. m., depending on the number of | | |
|classes. | | |
|Sometimes I stay at school till 3 p. m. for some | | |
|optional class or something extra-curriculum. | | |
|Then I’m home, & it’s dinner, if I may call it so. | | |
|My folks are both at work, so left to my own | | |
|devices I have what I manage to find in the fridge.| | |
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|Then I fool around for an hour or so browsing in | | |
|some magazine or a book, or listening to some quiet| | |
|music. | | |
|After that I’m ready for the most important part of| | |
|my day, my work actually. | | |
|I study, I dig up information, I solve tasks, find | | |
|answers to question - do my homework. | | |
|By 8 p. m. I feel tired. | | |
|Fortunately, by that time folks have arrived, & we | | |
|eat. | | |
|That is the only proper meal of the day for me, & | | |
|the only time to talk with my parents. | | |
|Then an hour or more of study, some TV, & by 12 p. | | |
|m. I’m in bed. | | |
|Sometimes I have to stay up late, if I have some | | |
|difficult task to solve. | | |
|So this is it, in a nutshell. | | |
|Not very eventful, but it’s a working day, isn’t | | |
|it? | | |
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|Russia. | | |
|We are living in a rapidly changing, multinational | | |
|& multicultural world. | | |
|Barriers keep falling, people & cultures mix, but | | |
|one thing remains basic & dear to my heart - my | | |
|homeland, Russia. | | |
|No one can deny that it is a great country in all | | |
|senses of the world, with its area of 17,1 million | | |
|square kilometres, & the population of 150 million | | |
|people. | | |
|It spans two parts of the world, Europe & Asia, | | |
|serving as a bridge between them. | | |
|It is washed by the seas of the Arctic & Pacific | | |
|Oceans. | | |
|The variety of climatic zones it the north down to | | |
|the subtropics in the south. | | |
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