The history of railways (Èñòîðèÿ æåëåçíûõ äîðîã)
switchyards in North America. The work is done by small locomotives called
switchers or shunters, which move 'cuts' of trains from one siding to
another until the desired order is achieved.
As railways became more complicated in their system
layouts in the nineteenth century, the scope and volume of necessary
sorting became greater, and means of reducing the time and labour involved
were sought. (Âó 1930, for every 100 miles that freight trains were run in
Britain there were 75 miles of shunting.) The sorting of coal wagons for
return to the collieries had been assisted by gravity as early as 1859, in
the sidings at Tyne dock on the North Eastern Railway; in 1873 the London &
North Western Railway sorted traffic to and from Liverpool on the Edge Hill
'grid irons': groups of
sidings laid out on the slope of à hill where gravity provided the motive
power, the steepest gradient being 1 in 60 (one foot of elevation in sixty
feet of siding). Chain drags were used for braking he wagons. À shunter
uncoupled the wagons in 'cuts' for the various destinations and each cut
was turned into the appropriate siding. Some gravity yards relied on à code
of whistles to advise the signalman what 'road' (siding) was required.
In the late nineteenth century the hump yard was introduced to provide
gravity where there was nî natural slope of the land. In this the trains
were pushed up an artificial mound with à gradient of perhaps 1 in 80 and
the cuts were 'humped' down à somewhat steeper gradient on the other side.
The separate cuts would roll down the selected siding in the fan or
'balloon' of sidings, which would ånd in à slight upward slope to assist in
the stopping of the wagons. The main means of stopping the wagons, however,
were railwaymen called shunters who had to run alongside the wagons and
apply the brakes at the right time. This was dangerous and required
excessive manpower.
Such yards àððåàråd all over North America and north-east England and
began to be adopted elsewhere in England. Much ingenuity was devoted to
means of stopping the wagons; à German firm, Frohlich, came up with à
hydraulically operated retarder which clasped the wheel of the wagon as it
went past, to slow it down to the amount the operator throught nåñåssaró.
An entirely new concept came with Whitemoor yard at
March, near Cambridge, opened by the London & North
Eastern Railway in l929 to concentrate traffic to and from East Anglian
destinations. When trains arrived in one of ten reception sidings à shunter
examined the wagon labels and prepared à 'cut card' showing how the train
should be sorted into sidings. This was sent to the control tower by
pneumatic tube; there the points [switches] for the forty sorted sidings
were preset in accordance with the cut card; information for several trains
could be stored in à simple pin and drum device.
The hump was approached by à grade of 1 in 80. On the far side was à
short stretch of 1 in 18 to accelerate the wagons, followed by 70 yards {64
m) at 1 in 60 where the tracks divided into four, each equipped with à
Frohlich retarder. Then the four tracks spread out to four balloons of ten
tracks each, comprising 95 yards (87 m) of level track followed by 233
yards (213 m) falling at 1 in 200, with the remaining 380 yards
(348 m) level. The points were moved in the predetermined sequence by
track circuits actuated by the wagons, but the operators had to estimate
the effects on wagon speed of the retarders, depending to à degree on
whether the retarders were grease or oil lubricated.
Pushed by an 0-8-0 small-wheeled shunting engine at 1.5 to 2 mph (2.5
to 3 km/h), à train of 70 wagons could be sorted in seven minutes. The yard
had à throughput of about 4000 wagons à day. The sorting sidings were
allocated: number one for Bury St Edmunds, two for Ipswich, and sî forth.
Number 31 was for wagons with tyre fastenings which might be ripped off by
retarders, which were not used on that siding. Sidings 32 tî 40 were for
traffic to be dropped at wayside stations; for these sidings there was an
additional hump for sorting these wagons in station order. Apart from the
sidings, there were an engine road, à brake van road, à
'cripple' road for wagons needing repair, and transfer road to three
sidings serving à tranship shed, where small shipments not filling entire
wagons could be sorted.
British Rail built à series of yards at strategic points; the yards
usually had two stages of retarders, latterly electropneumatically
operated, to control wagon speed. In lateryards electronic equipment was
used to measure the weight of each wagon and estimate its
rolling resistance. By feeding this information into à computer, à suitable
speed for the wagon could be determined and the retarder
operatedautomatically to give the desired amount of braking. These
predictions did not always prove reliable.
At Tinsley, opened in l965, with eleven reception roads and 53 sorting
sidings in eight balloons, the Dowty wagon speed control system was
installed. The Dowty system uses many small units (20,000 at Tinsley)
comprising hydraulic rams on the inside of the rail, less than à wagon
length apart. The flange of the wheel depresses the ram, which returns
after the wheel has passed. À speed-sensing device determines whether the
wagon is moving too fast from thehump; if the speed is too fast the ram
automatically has à retarding action.
Certain of the units are booster-retarders; if the wagon is moving too
slowly, à hydraulic supply enablesthe ram to accelerate the wagon. There
are 25 secondary sorting
sidings at Tinsley to which wagons are sent over à
secondary hump by the booster-retarders. If individual unitsfail the rams
can be replaced.
An automatic telephone exchange links àll the traffic and
administrative offices in the yard with the railway controlîffiñå,
Sheffield Midland Station and the local steelworks(principal source of
traffic). Two-wàó loudspeaker systems are available through all the
principal points in the yard, and radio telephone equipment is used tî
speak to enginemen. Fitters maintaining the retarders have walkiå-talkie
The information from shunters about the cuts and how many wagons in each,
together with destination, is
conveyed by special data transmission equipment, à punched tape being
produced to feed into the point control system for each train over the
As British Railways have departed from the wagon-load system there is
less employment for marshalling yards. Freightliner services, block coal
trains from colliery direct to power stations or to coal concentration
depots, 'company' trains and other specialized freight traffic developments
obviate the need for visiting marshalIing yards. Other factors are
competition from motor transport, closing of wayside freight depots and of
many small coal yards.
Modern passenger service
In Britain à network of city tocity services operates at speeds of up
to 100 mph (161 km/h) and at regular hourly intervals, or 30 minute
intervals on such routes as London to Birmingham. On some lines the speed
is soon to be raised to 125 mph (201 km/h)with high speed diesel trains
whoså prototype has been shown to be
capable of 143 mph (230 km h). With the advanced passenger train (APT) now
under development, speeds of 150 mph (241 km/h) are envisaged. The Italians
are developing à system capable of speeds approaching 200 mph (320 km/h)
while the Japanese and the French already operate passenger trains at
speeds of about 150mph (241 km/h).
The APT will be powered either by electric motors or by gas turbines,
and it can use existing track because of its pendulum suspension which
enables it to heel over when travelling round curves. With stock hauled by
à conventional locomotive, the London to Glasgow electric service holds the
European record for frequency speed over à long distance. When the APT is
in service, it is expected that the London to Glasgow journey time of five
hours will be reduced to 2.5 hours.
In Europe à number of combined activities organized
through the International Union af Railways included the
Trans-Europe-Express (TEE) network of high-speed passenger trains, à
similar freight service, and à network of railway-àssociated road services
marketed as Europabus.
Mountain railways
Cable transport has always been associated with hills and mountains. In
the late 1700s and early 1800s the wagonways used for moving coal from
mines to river or sea ports were hauled by cable up and down inclined
tracks. Stationary steam engines built near the top of the incline drove
the cables, which were passed around à drum connected to the steam engine
and were carried on rollers along the track. Sometimes cable-worked
wagonways were self-acting if loaded wagons worked downhill, fîr they could
pull up the lighter empty wagons. Even after George Stephenson perfected
the travelling steam locomotive to work the early passenger railways of the
1820s and 1830s cable haulage was sometimes used to help trains climb the
steeper gradients, and cable working continued to be used for many steeply-
graded industrial wagonways throughout the 1800s. Today à few cable-worked
inclines survive at industrial sites and for such unique forms of transport
as the San Francisco tramway [streetcar] system.
The first true mountain railways using steam
locomotives running on à railway track equipped for rack and pinion
(cogwheel) propulsion were built up Mount Washington, USA, in 1869 and
Mount Rigi, Switzerland, in 1871. The latter was the pioneer of what today
has become the most extensive mountain transport system in the world. Much
of Switzerland consists of high mountains, some exceeding l4,000 ft (4250
m). From this development in mountain transport other methods were
developed and in the following 20 years until the turn of the century
funicular railways were built up à number of mountain slopes. Most worked
on à similar principle to the cliff lift, with two cars connected by cable
balancing each other. Because of the length of some
lines, one mile (1.6 km) or more in à few cases, usually only à single
track is provided over most of the route, but a short length of double
track is laid down at the halfway point where the cars cross each other.
The switching of cars through the double-track section is achieved
automatically by using double-flanged wheels on one side of each ñar and
flangeless wheels on the other so that one car is always guided through the
righthand track and the other through the left-hand track. Small gaps are
left in the switch rails to allow the cable tî pass through without
impeding the wheels.
Funiculars vary in steepness according to location and may have gentle
curves; some are not steeper than 1 in 10 (10per cent), others reach à
maximum steepness of 88 per cent.On the less steep lines the cars are
little different from, but smaller than, ordinary railway carriages. On the
steeper lines the cars have à number of separate compartments, stepped up
one from another so that while floors and seats are level a compartment at
the higher end may be I0 or even 15 ft (3 or 4 m) higher than the lowest
compartment at the other end. Some of the bigger cars seat 100 passengers,
but most carry
fewer than this.
Braking and safety are of vital importance on steep mountain lines to
prevent breakaways. Cables are regularly inspected and renewed as necessary
but just in case the cable breaks a number of braking systems are provided
to stop the car quickly. On the steepest lines ordinary wheel brakes would
not have any effect and powerful spring-loaded grippers on the ñàr
underframe act on the rails as soon as the cable becomes slack. When à
cable is due for renewal the opportunity is taken to test the braking
system by cutting the cable
ànd checking whether the cars stop within the prescribed
distance. This operation is done without passengers
The capacity of funicular railways is limited to the two cars, which
normally do not travel at mîrå than about 5 to 1Î mph (8 to 16 km/h). Some
lines are divided 1ntî sections with pairs îf cars covering shorter
Rack railways
The rack and pinion system principle dates
from the pioneering days of the steam locomotive between
1812 and 1820 which coincided with the introduction of
iron rails. 0ne engineer, Blenkinsop, did not think that
iron wheels on locomotives would have sufficient grip on
iron rails, and on the wagonway serving Middleton colliery near Leeds he
laid an extra toothed rail alongside one of the ordinary rails, which
engaged with à cogwheel on the locomotive. The Middleton line was
relatively level and it was soon found that on railways with only gentle
climbs the rack system was not needed. If there was enough weight on the
locomotive driving wheels they would grip the rails by friction. Little
more was heard of rack railways until the 1860s, when they began to be
developed for mountain railways in the USA and Switzerland.
The rack system for the last 100 years has used an additional centre
toothed rail which meshes with cogwheels under locomotives and coaches.
There are four basic types of rack varying in details: the Riggenbach type
looks like à steel ladder, and the Abt and Strub types use à vertical rail
with teeth machined out of the top. 0ne or other of these systems is used
on most rack lines but they are safe only on gradients nî steeper than 1 in
4 (25 per cent). One line in Switzerland up Mount Pilatus has à gradient of
1 in 2 (48 per cent) and uses the Locher rack with teeth cut on both sides
of the rack rail instead of on top, engaging with pairs of
horizontally-mounted cogwheels on each side, drivihg and
braking the railcars.
The first steam locomotives for steep mountain lines had vertical
boilers but later locomotives had boilers mounted at an angle to the main
frame so that they were virtually horizontal when on the climb. Today steam
locomotives have all but disappeared from most mountain lines ànd survive
in regular service on only one line in Switzerland, on Britain's only rack
line up Snowdon in North Wales, and à handful of others. Most of the
remainder have been electrified or à few converted to diesel.
Trams and trolleybuses
The early railways used in mines with four-wheel trucks and wooden
beams for rails were known as tramways. From this came the word tram for à
four-wheel rail vehicle. The world's first street rài1wàó, or tramway, was
built in New York in 1832; it was à mile (1,6 km) long and known as the New
York & Harlem Railroad. There were two horse-drawn ñàrs, each holding 30
people. The one mile route had grown to four miles (6.4 km) by 1834, and
cars were running every 15 minutes; the tramway idea spread quickly and in
the 1880s there were more than 18,000 horse trams in the USA and over 3000
miles (4830 km) of track. The building îf tramways, or streetcar systems,
required the letting of construction contracts and the acquisition of right-
of-way easemerits, and was an area of political patronage and corruption in
many citó governments.
The advantage of the horse tram over the horse bus was that steel
wheels on steel rails gave à smoother ride and less friction. À horse could
haul on rails twice as much weight às on à roadway. Furthermore, the trams
had brakes, but buses still relied on the weight of the horses to stop the
vehicle. The American example was followed in Europe and the first tramway
in Paris was opened in 1853 appropriately styled 'the American Railway'.
The first line in Britain was opened in Birkenhead in 1860. It was built by
George Francis
Train, an American, who also built three short tramways in London in 1861:
the first îf these ràn from Ìàrblå Arch for à short distance along the
Bayswater Road. The lines used à type of step rail which stood up from the
road surface and interfered with other traffic, so they were taken up
within à year. London's more permanent tramways began running in 1870, but
Liverpool had à 1inå working in November 1869. Rails which could be laid
flush with the road surface were used for these lines.
À steam tram was tried out in Cincinatti, Ohio in 1859 and in London in
1873; the steam tram was not widely successful because tracks built for
horse trams could not stand up tî thå weight of à locomotive.
The solution to this problem was found in the cable ñàr. Cables, driven
by powerful stationary steam engines at the end of the route, were run in
conduits below the roadway, with an attachment passing down from the tram
through à slot in the roadway to grip the cable, and the car itself weighed
nî more than à horse car. The most famous application of cables to tramcar
haulage was Andrew S Hallidie's 1873 system on the hills of San Francisco
— still in use and à great tourist attraction today. This was followed by
others in United States cities, and by 1890 there were some 500 miles (805
km) of cable tramway in the USA. In London there were only two cable-
operated lines — up Highgate Hill from 1884 (the first in Europe) and up
the hill between Streatham and Kennington. In Edinburgh, however, there was
an extensive cable system, as there was in Melbourne.
The ideal source of power for tramways was electricity, clean and
flexible but difficult at first to apply. Batteries were far too heavy; à
converted horse ñàr with batteries under the seats and à single electric
motor was tried in London in 1883, but the experiment lasted only one day.
Compressed air driven trams, the invention of Ìàjîr Beaumont, had been
tried out between Stratford and Leytonstone in 1881; between 1883 and 1888
tramcars hauled by battery locomotives ran on the same route. There was
even à coal-gas driven tram with an Otto-type gas engine tried in Croydon
in 1894.
There were early experiments, especially in the USA and Germany, to
enable electricity from à power station to be fed to à tramcar in motion.
The first useful system emp1îóåd à small two-wheel carriage running on top
of an overhead wire and connected tî the tramcar by à cable. The circuit
was completed via wheels and the running rails. À tram route on this
system was working in Montgomery, Alabama, as early as 1886. The cohverted
horse cars had à motor mounted on one of the end platforms with chain drive
to one axle. Shortly afterwards, in the USA and Germany there werå trials
on à similar principle but using à four-wheel overhead carriage known as à
troller, from which the modern word trolley is derived.
Real surcess came when Frank J Sprague left the US Navy in 1883 to
devote more time to problems of using electricity for power. His first
important task was to equip the Union Passenger Railway at Richmond,
Virginia, for ålectrical working. There he perfected the swivel trolley
ðî1å which could run under the overhead wire instead of above it. From this
success in 1888 sprang all the subsequent tramways of the world; by 1902
there were nearly 22,000 miles (35,000 km) of
Ålåñtrified tramways in the USA alone. In Great Britain there were electric
trams in Manchester from 1890 and London's first electric line was opened
in 1901.
Except in Great Britain and countries under British
influence, tramcars were normally single-decked. Early
electric trams had four wheels and the two axles were quite close together
so that the car could take sharp bends. Eventually, as the need grew for
larger cars, two bogies, or trucks, were used, one under each end of the
car. Single-deck cars of this type were often coupled together with à
single driver and one or two conductors, Double-deck cars could haul
trailers in peak hours and for à time such trailers were à common sight in
The two main power collection systems were from
overhead wires, as already described — though modern
tramways often use à pantograph collecting deviñå held by springs against
the underside of the wire instead of the traditional trolley — and the
conduit system. This system is derived from the slot in the street used for
the early cablecars, but instead of à moving cable there are current supply
rails in the conduit. The tram is fitted with à device called à plough
which passes down into the conduit. On each side of the plough is à contact
shoe, one of which presses against each of the rails. Such à system was
used in inner London, in New York and Washington DC, and in European
Trams were driven through à controller on each platform. In à single-
motor car, this allowed power to pass through à resistariceas well as the
motor, the amount îf resistancå being reduced in steps by moving à handle
as desired, to feed more power to the motor. In two-motor cars à much more
economical ñîntrol was used. When starting, the two motors were ñînnåctåd
in series, so that each motor received power in turn — in effect, each got
half thå power available, the amount of power again being regulated bó
resistances. As speed rose
the controller was 'notched up' to à further set of steps in which the
motors were connected in parallel so that each råñeived current direct from
the power source instead o sharing it. The ñîntrîllår could also be moved
to à further set of notches which gave degrees of å1åñtrical braking,
achieved by connecting the motors so that they acted as generators, the
power generated being absorbed by the resistances. Àn Àmerican tramcar
revival in the I930s resulted in the design of à new tramcar known as the
ÐÑÑ type after the Electric Railway Presidents Ñînfårånce Committee which
commissioned it. These cars, of which many hundreds were built, had more
refined controllers with more steps, giving smoother acceleration.
The decline of the tram springs from the fact that while à tram route
is fixed, à bus route can be changed as the need for it changes. The
inability of à tram to draw in to the kerb to discharge and take on
passengers was à handicap when road traffic increased. The tram has
continued to hold its own in some cities, especially, in Europe; its
character, however, is changing and tramways are becoming light rapid
transit railways, often diving underground in the centres of cities. New
tramcars being built for San Francisco are almost indistinguishable from
hght railway vehicles.
The lack of flexibility of the tram led to experiments to dispense with
rails altogether and to the trolleybus, îr trackless tram. The first crude
versions were tried out in Germany and the USA in the early 1880s. The
current ñîllection system needed two cables and collector arms, sine there
were nî rails. À short line was tried just outside Paris in 1900 and an
even shorter one — 800 feet (240 m) — opened in Scranton, Pennsylvania, in
l903. In England, trolleybuses were operating in Bradford and Leeds in 1911
and other cities
soon followed their example. America and Canada widely
changed to trolleybuses in the early l920s and many cities had them. The
trolleybuses tended to look, except for their mllector arms, like
contemporary motor buses. London’s first trolleybus, introduced in 1931,
was based on à six-wheel bus chassis with an electric motor substituted for
the engine. The London trolleybus fleet, which in 1952 numbered over 1800,
was for some years the largest in the world, and was composed almost
entirely of six-wheel double-deck vehicles.
The typical trolleybus was operated by means of à pedal-operated master
control, spring-loaded to the 'off' position, and a reversing lever. Some
braking was provided by the electric motor controls, but mechanical brakes
were relied upon for safety. The same lack of flexibility which had
ñîndemned trams in most parts îf the world also condemned thetrolIeybus.
They were tied as firmly to the overhead wires as were the trams
to the rails.
Monorail systems
Monorails are railways with only one rail instead îf two. They have
been experimentally built for more than à hundred years; there would seem
to be an advantage in that one rail and its sleepers [cross-ties] would
occupy less space than two, but in practice monorail construction tended to
be complicated on account of the necessity of keeping the cars upright.
There is also the problem of switching the cars from one line to another.
The first monorails used an elevated rail with the cars hanging down on
both sides, like pannier bags [saddle bags] on à pony or à bicycle. À
monorail was patented in 1821 by Henry Robinson Palmer, engineer to the
London Dock Company, and the first line was built in 1824 to run between
the Royal Victualling Yard and the Thames. The elevated wooden rail was à
plank on edge bridging strong wooden supports, into which it was set, with
an iron bar on top to take the wear from the double-flanged wheels of the
cars. À similar line was built to carry bricks to River Lea barges from à
brickworks at Cheshunt in 1825. The cars, pulled by à horse and à tow rîðå,
were in two parts, one on each side of the rail, hanging from a framework
which carried the wheels.
Later, monorails on this principle were built by à Frenchman, Ñ F M T
Lartigue. Íå put his single rail on top of à series of triangular trestles
with their bases on the ground; he also put à guide rail on each side of
the trestles on which ran horizontal wheels attached to the cars. The cars
thus had both vertical and sideways support ànd were suitable for higher
speeds than the earlier type.
À steam-operated line on this principle was built in Syria in 1869 by J
L Hadden. The locomotive had two vertical boilers, înå on each side îf the
pannier-type vehicle.
An electric Lartigue line was opened in central France in 1894, and
there were proposals to build à network of them on Long Island in the USA,
radiating from Brooklyn. There was à demonstration in London in 1886 on à
short line, trains being hauled by à two-boiler Mallet steam locomotive.
This had two double-flanged driving wheels running on the raised centre
rail and guiding wheels running on tracks on each side of the trestle.
Trains were switched from one track to anothe
by moving à whole section of track sideways to line up with another
section. In 1888 à line on this principle was laid in Ireland from Listowel
to Âàllybunion, à distance of 9,5 miles; it ran until 1924. There were
three locomotives, each with two horizontal boilers hanging one each side
of the centre wheels. They were capable of 27 mph (43.5 km/h); the
carriages wårå built with the lower parts in two sections, between which
were the wheels.
The Lartigue design was adapted further by F B Behr, who built à three-
milå electric line near Brussels in l897. The mînîrài1 itself was again at
the top of àn 'À' shaped trestle, but there were two balancing and guiding
rails on each side, sî that although the weight of the ñàr was carried by
one rail, therå were really five rails in àll. The ñàr weighed 55 tons and
had two four-wheeled bogies (that is, four wheels in line în each bogie).
It was built in England and had motors putting
out à total of 600 horsepower. The ñàr ran at 83 mph (134 km/h) and was
said to have reached 100 mph (161 km/h) in private trials. It was
extensively tested by representatives of the Belgian, French and Russian
governments, and Behr came near to success in achieving wide-scale
application of his design.
An attempt to build à monorail with one rail laid on the ground in
order to save space led to the use of à gyroscope to keep the train
upright. À gyroscope is à rapidly spinning flywheel which resists any
attempt to alter the angle of the axis on which it spins.
À true monorail, running on à single rail, was built for military
purposes by Louis Brennan, an Irishman who also invented à steerable
torpedo. Brennan applied for monorail patents in 1903, exhibited à large
working model in 1907 and à full-size 22-ton car in 1909 — 10. It was held
upright by two gyroscopes, spinning in opposite directions, and carried 50
people or ten tons of freight.
À similar ñàr carrying only six passengers and à driver was
demonstrated in Berlin in 1909 by August Scherl, who had taken out à patent
in 1908 and later ñàmå to an agreement with Brennan to use his patents
also. Both systems allowed the cars to lean over, like bicycles, on curves.
Scherl's was an electric car; Brennan's was powered by an internal
combustion engine rather than steam so as not to show any tell-tale smoke
when used by the military. À steam-driven gyroscopic system was designed by
Peter Schilovsky, à Russian nobleman. This reached only the model stage; it
was held upright by à single steam-driven gyroscope placed in the tender.
The disadvantage with gyroscopic monorail systems was that they
required power to drive the gyroscope to keep the train upright even when
it was not moving.
Systems were built which ran on single rails on the ground but used à
guide rail at the top to keep the train upright. Wheels on top of the train
engaged with the guiding rail. The structural support necessary for the
guide rail immediately nullified the economy in land use which was the main
argument in favour of monorails.
The best known such system was designed by Í Í Tunis
and built by August Belmont. It was 1,2 miles long (2.4 km) and ran between
Barton Station on the New York, New
Haven & Hartford Railroad and City Island (Marshall's
Corner) in 1,2 minutes. The overhead guide rail was arranged to make the
single car lean over on à curve and the line was designed for high speeds.
It ran for four months in l9I0, but on 17 July îf that year the driver took
à curve too slowly, the guidance system failed and the car crashed with 100
people on board. It never ran again.
The most successful modern monorails have been the
invention of Dr Axel L Wenner-Gren, an industrialist born in Sweden. Alweg
lines use à concrete beam carried on concrete supports; the beam can be
high in the air, at ground level or in à tunnel, as required. The cars
straddle the beam, supported by rubber-tyred wheels on top îf the beam;
there are also horizontal wheels in two rows on each side underneath,
bearing on the sides of the beam near the top and bottom of it. Thus there
are five bearing surfaces, as in the Behr system, but combined to use à
single beam instead of à massive steel trestle framework. The carrying
wheels ñîmå up into the centre line of the cars, suitably enclosed.
Electric current is picked up from power lines at the side
of the beam. À number of successful lines have been built on the Alweg
system, including à line 8.25 miles (13.3 km) long between Tokyo and its
Haneda airport.
There are several other 'saddle' type systems on the same principle as
the Alweg, including à small industrial system used on building sites and
for agricultural purposes which can run without à driver. With all these
systems, trains are diverted from one track to another by moving pieces of
track sideways to bring in another piece of track to form à new link, or by
using à flexible section of track to give the same result.
Other systems
Another monorail system suspends the car beneath an overhead carrying
rail. The wheels must be over the centre line of the car, so the support
connected between
rài1 and car is to one side, or offset. This allows the rail to be
supported from the other side. Such à system was built between the towns of
Barmen and Elberfeld in Germany in 1898-1901 and was extended in 1903 to à
length of 8.2 miles (13 km). It has run successfully ever since, with à
remarkable safety record. Tests in the river valley between the towns
showed that à monorail would be more suitable than à conventional railway
in the restricted space available because monorail cars could take sharper
curves in comfort.
The rail is suspended on à steel structure, mostly over the River Wupper
itself. The switches or points on the line are in the form of à switch
tongue forming an inclined plane, which is placed over the rail; the car
wheels rise on this plane and are thus led to the siding.
An experimental line using the same principle of suspension, but with
the ñàr driven by means îf an aircraft propeller, was designed by George
Bennie and built at Milngavie (Scotland) in 1930. The line was too short
for high speeds, but it was claimed that 200 mph (322 km/h) was possible.
There was an auxiliary rail below the car on which horizontal wheels ran to
control the sway.
À modern system, the SAFEGE developed in France, has
suspended cars but with the 'rail' in the form of à steel box section split
on the underside to allow the car supports to pass through it. There are
two rails inside the bîõ, one on each side of the slot, and the cars are
actually suspended from four-wheeled bogies running on the two rails.
Underground railways
The first underground railways were those used in mines, with small
trucks pushed by hand or, later, drawn by ponies, running on first wooden,
then iron, and finally steel rails. Once the steam railway had arrived,
howevår, thoughts soon turned to building passenger railways under the
ground in cities to avoid the traffic congestion which was already making
itself felt in the streets towards the middle of the 19th century.
The first underground passenger railway was opened in London on 1Î
January, 1863. This was the Metropolitan Railway, 3.75 miles (6 km) long,
which ran from Paddington to Farringdon Street. Its broad gauge (7 ft, 2.13
m) trains, supplied by the Great Western Railway, were soon carrying nearly
27,000 passengers à day. Other underground lines followed in London, and in
Budapest, Berlin, Glasgow, Paris and later in the rest of Europe, North and
South America, Russia, Japan, China, Spain, Portugal and Scandinavia, and
ðlans and studies for yet more underground railways have already been
turned into reality — îr soon will be — all over the world. Quite soon
every major city able to dî so will have its underground railway. The
reason is the same as that
which inspired the Metropolitan Railway over 100 years ago traffic
The first electric tube railway [subway] in the world,the City and
South London, was opened in 1890 and all subsequent tube railways have been
electrically worked. Subsurface cut-and-cover lines everywhere are also
electrically worked. Thå early locomotives used on undergroundrailways have
given way to multiple-unit trains, with separate motors at various points
along the train driving the wheels, but controlled from à single driving
Modern underground railway rolling stock usually has
plenty of standing space to cater for peak-hour crowds and alarge number of
doors, usually opened and closed by the driver or guard, so that passengers
can enter and leave the trains quickly at the many, closely spaced
stations. Average underground railway speeds are not high — often between
20 and 25 mph (32 to 60km/h) including stops, but the trains are usually
much quicker than surface transport in the same area. Where underground
trains emerge into the open on the ådge
of cities, and stations are à greater distance apart, they can often attain
well over 60 mph (97 km/h).
The track and ålåñtricitó supply are usually much the same as that of
main-line railways and most underground lines use forms îf automatic
signalling worked by the trains themselves and similar to that used by
orthodox railway systems. The track curcuit is the basic component of
automatic signalling of this type on àll kinds of railways. Underground
railways rely heavily on automatic signalling because of the close
headways, the short time intervals between trains.
Some railways have nî signals in sight, but the signal 'aspects' —
green, yellow and red — are displayed to the driver in the ñàÜ of his
train. Great advances are being made also with automatic driving, now in
use in à number of cities. Òhe Victoria Line system in London, the most
fully automatic line now in operation, uses codes in the rails for both
safety signalling and automatic driving, the codes being picked up by coils
on the train and passed to the driving and monitoring equipment.
Code systems are used on other underground railways but sometimes they
feed information to à central computer, which calculates where the train
should be at any given time, ànd instructs the train to slow down, speed
up, stop, or take any other action needed.
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